
This page includes downloadable resources to help provide an understanding of the new Exams structure, Transition and the role of Educational Supervisors in delivering the new curriculum. We have also included other media we hope to find useful to trainees and will continue to add resources now the 2021 Curriculum has been launched. 

Ultrasound Education & Training

The introduction of a new 2021 RCEM curriculum has enabled changes to the PoCUS syllabus to make the process for acquiring and maintaining competencies simple, yet robust and sustainable. The purpose of this document is to address frequently asked questions of trainees and trainers.

To see a PDF of this document, which is also the contents of this page – click here.

SLO6 – Point of Care Ultrasound Competence Entrustment Scale

Guidance for Education and Training

The following document is to guide trainees and supervisors regarding requirements towards achieving the entrustment scale levels as according to the 2021 RCEM curriculum.
See and download the full document.

Documentation added September 2022



QIAT guidance

A how to guide has been created for the QI Assessment. This includes information on what the QIAT is, information on SLO11 and how to generate/complete QIAT forms.

This guidance has been created for 2022 specifically, as it includes information on regional panel sign-off for ST6 trainees who remain on the 2015 curriculum. Going forward ST6s will not require panel sign off and this guidance will be updated accordingly once the first groups of trainees on the 2021 curriculum reach ST6.

See the QI Assessment How To Guide

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