SLO 12 – Manage, administer and lead

Domain 1: Professional values and behaviours

Domain 2: Professional skills

  • practical skills
  • communication and interpersonal skills
  • dealing with complexity and uncertainty
  • clinical skills (history taking, diagnosis and medical management; consent; humane interventions; prescribing medicines safely; using medical devices safely; infection control and communicable disease)

Domain 3: Professional knowledge 

  • professional requirements
  • national legislative requirements
  • the health service and healthcare systems in the four countries

Domain 4: Capabilities in health promotion and illness prevention

Domain 5: Capabilities in leadership and teamworking

Domain 6: Capabilities in patient safety and quality improvement

  • patient safety
  • quality improvement

At completion of Intermediate training a trainee will:

  • have experience of handling a complaint or preparing a report, and be aware of the relevant medico-legal directives

At completion of higher training a trainee will:

  • have experience of handling a complaint, preparing a report, and be aware of the relevant medico-legal directives (elements not completed in intermediate)
  • Be able to investigate a critical incident, participate and contribute effectively to department clinical governance activities and risk reduction projects
  • Be able to manage the staff rota, being aware of relevant employment law and recruitment activities including interviews and involvement in induction
  • Be able to effectively represent the ED at inter specialty meetings
  • Respond to complaints in a variety of formats including verbal response, written response and face to face meetings 
  • Construct a report for the coroner/procurator fiscal and/or legal services using information available from clinical notes 
  • Effectively participate, and support others involved, in a serious adverse event investigation and be familiar with some of the tools involved such as RCA/ 5 Whys/Fishbone analysis
  • Participate and represent the in ED in divisional / inter specialty / CG meetings 
  • Represent the ED on a Hospital Committee (such as resuscitation committee, transfusion committee, trauma committee etc.) and feedback to the ED team 
  • Participate in the rota management ensuring adequate skill mix and cover 
  • Participate in multidisciplinary recruitment for the ED 
  • Aware of the interplay of various agencies in the NHS and how they interrelate in the evolving NHS Landscape 
  • Able to demonstrate a high level of communication skills in all of the above

Trainees will receive 4 hours a week of rostered time in HST as experiential learning to support the development in the supporting SLOs. They will have a designated consultant equivalent supervisor available for support in this session.

  • RCEM/online modules

Training certification on

  • equality and diversity training
  • information governance and data protection
  • Evolving NHS landscape

Face to Face courses for:

  • Leadership and management
  • New consultant preparation

Experiential learning in the following:

  • Interviews
  • Complaints meetings
  • CI investigation meetings
  • Rota planning meetings
  • Involvement in ED meetings

A management portfolio is to be recorded. Formative assessment will include feedback on elements of these, with feedback of effectiveness of leadership skills.

Each assignment needs the following:

  1. Record of the assignment
  2. Reflection on what has been learnt in the assignment
  3. A successful summative assessment/WPBA with an RCEM trainer

Trainees are required to complete a minimum of four assignments in total which must include the two mandatory assignments. At least one of the four assignments must include working with other specialties as part of the assignment.

Mandatory assignments are: 

  • Managing a complaint
  • Involvement with a critical/ serious untoward incident

Optional assignments are: Minimum 2 required:

  • Appraisal of Others
  • Clinical Governance Meetings
  • Induction
  • Introduction of Guideline
  • Introducing Equipment or Service
  • Organising a Training Event
  • Recruitment
  • Risk Register
  • Rota Management
  • Writing a report

Educational review

Summative assessment each year is a judgement by the Educational Supervisor, with overview from the ARCP panel. There is requirement for progression year on year towards the elements described. It is possible to progress through these more rapidly if trainees have a particular interest or opportunities in this SLO.

End of Intermediate:

At the end of this stage of training the trainee should be starting to be exposed to key administrative tasks namely complaints and critical incidents.  The trainee is expected to be able to start to think about how these tasks should be addressed but is not expected to lead on any of these on their own. There should be at least one entry on the management portfolio which is signed off by the supervising consultant.

End of HST: 

At the end of training the individual is expected to be able to lead on key administrative tasks and help to guide others in completing them. There should be evidence of involvement in Department clinical governance.  There should also be evidence of completion of leadership and management courses and equality and diversity training. A completed management portfolio with the minimum requirements is required by the end of HST (see above). Progress throughout HST is expected.

RCEM examinations


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