SLO 10 – Participate in research and managing data appropriately

Domain 3: Professional knowledge 

  • professional requirements
  • national legislative requirements
  • the health service and healthcare systems in the four countries

Domain 9: Capabilities in research and scholarship

Key ACCS capabilities 

At completion of ACCS a trainee will:

  • be able to search the medical literature effectively and know how to critically appraise studies 

Key EM capabilities

At completion of Intermediate training a trainee will:

  • be able to appraise, synthesise and communicate research evidence 

At completion of Higher training a trainee will:

  • be able to appraise, synthesise, communicate and use research evidence to develop EM care
  • be able to actively participate in research
  • Manages clinical information/data appropriately
  • Understands principles of research and academic writing 
  • Demonstrates ability to carry out critical appraisal of the literature
  • Understands the role of evidence in clinical practice and demonstrates shared decision making with patients
  • Demonstrates appropriate knowledge of research methods, including qualitative and quantitative approaches in scientific enquiry
  • Demonstrates appropriate knowledge of research principles and concepts and the translation of research into practice
  • Follows guidelines on ethical conduct in research and consent for research
  • Understands public health epidemiology and global health patterns
  • Recognises potential of applied informatics, genomics, stratified risk and personalised medicine and seeks advice for patient benefit when appropriate

RCEM learning modules on critical literature appraisal

Local and regional teaching on literature searching and appraisal, evidence synthesis and concluding a ‘clinical bottom line’

Departmental journal clubs

Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training

Trainees should rotate through an ED that is actively involved in research, ideally recruiting patients into NIHR Portfolio research studies or equivalent. EM trainees should receive study specific training, have GCP training in date and be prepared to undertake delegated study activity.

Trainees should receive feedback on journal club presentations during training.

Evidence to inform decision:

  • MCR
  • MSF
  • GCP certification
  • Evidence of literature search and critical appraisal of research 
  • TO
  • ACAF
  • JCF
  • Evidence of research activity
  • Educational Supervisor’s Report (ESR)

Educational review

Summative assessment each year is a judgement by the Educational Supervisor, with overview from the ARCP panel. There is requirement for progression year on year towards the elements described. It is possible to progress through these more rapidly if trainees have a particular interest or opportunities in this SLO.

End of core training:

  • Under development by the ACCS intercollegiate board.

End of intermediate training

  • Evidence of critical literature appraisal activity is required, with evidence synthesis and a clinical bottom line

End of HST

  • Evidence of journal club activity, with feedback on presentation to co-workers.
  • Evidence of work towards a higher degree or presentation at national or international meetings also accepted for this SLO.

RCEM examinations


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